Friday, April 22, 2011

Julie's mad dash through northern Portugal

Jules in a port wine barrel at Cálem

Although we shared a hotel room in Milan, I rarely saw Julie during my 4 days there.  She sure wasn't very chatty the morning I had to get up at 3:30 to get to the airport and fly back to Braga :)  So, it was great that she was able to come to Portugal to spend a few days here.  Free from work commitments, she could relax, chat, see some sights and sample Portuguese delicacies and vinho verde.

What luck!  Julie made it here in time to experience Semana do Bacalhau (Week of Cod) in Braga!!  Local restaurants were featuring multiple versions of this strange culinary obsession.  The slogan for Bacalhau Week was 'All roads lead to cod.'  Oh brother!

CLICK to see more photos from Julie's visit.

~ Peggy

1 comment:

  1. Looked at all the pics,loved them all! I want to go to Taylor's, the views are beautiful and Howard is going to love finding Belgian Beer in Guimaraes and we'll love going to that castle! Can't wait!!

